MASCHINE 2.0 is included with MASCHINE STUDIO and all MASCHINE and MASCHINE MIKRO products shipping on or after November 1, 2013. MASCHINE STUDIO will be available at the NI Online Shop starting November 1, 2013. MASCHINE 2.0 features a host of enhancements – including a new mixer page and dynamic drum synth plug-ins – designed to deliver more power and speed to all three MASCHINE production studios. As with the acclaimed MASCHINE and MASCHINE MIKRO, MASCHINE STUDIO is an integrated solution combining the latest software technology with a hardware-based workflow. Considerably bigger than the original hardware, MASCHINE STUDIO provides expanded tactile control and new hi-resolution color displays, setting a new precedent in intuitive, hands- on, computer-based beat production. Native Instruments today announced MASCHINE STUDIO and MASCHINE 2.0 – the new flagship groove production studio and next generation of MASCHINE software. This new version really raises the bar and for us looks like a modern rendering of the beloved MPC, which does beg the question, why didn’t AKAI do this? Rest assured we will have a full review to you as soon as we can.

Pro Tools Expert were invited to a secret meeting in London a week ago by Native Instruments, little did we expect them to show us Maschine 2, with new versions of hardware and software.