Grid images for instagram
Grid images for instagram

I don’t use many dark photos on my grid, but when I do they are not placed next to each other. The eye loves this sort of colour balance.

grid images for instagram

Purple isn’t directly next to purple, orange isn’t directly next to orange. They’ve taken their brand colours and spaced them out in their top 9. For example, look at GrowGlow’s instagram feed: You’ll see a lot of brands that are graphic or text heavy follow this as well. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but peppering your colours across your feed gives it a cohesive and consistent feel. Spread your brand colours out on your grid to create a bit of symmetry and balance. Take a step back from everything and look at how you can piece things together to create a balanced story. You are a multi-faceted person running a multi-faceted business. We shouldn’t aim to tell a whole story in one image. When you develop your images in blocks of 9 it is easier to gauge the overall mood, feel, and direction of the images.

grid images for instagram grid images for instagram

  • select, organise, and present (online content, merchandise, information, etc.), typically using professional or expert knowledge.
  • select, organise, and look after the items in (a collection or exhibition).

  • Grid images for instagram